Practice Privacy Policy

PURE Dental York (Dunnington and Strensall) Dental Practices

We are a Data Controller under the terms of the Data Protection Act 2017 and the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

This Privacy Notice explains what Personal Data the practice holds, why we hold and process it, who we might share it with, and your rights and freedoms under the Law.

Types of personal data

The practice holds personal data in the following categories:

  1. Patient clinical and health data and correspondence.
  2. Staff employment data.
  3. Contractors’ data.

Why we process personal data (what is the "purpose")

"Process" means we obtain, store, update and archive data.

  1. Patient data is held for the purpose of providing patients with appropriate, high quality, safe and effective dental care and treatment.
  2. Staff employment data is held in accordance with Employment, Taxation and Pensions law.
  3. Contractors’ data is held for the purpose of managing their contracts.

What is the lawful basis for processing personal data?

The Law says we must tell you this:

  1. We hold patients’ data because it is in our Legitimate Interest to do so. Without holding the data we cannot work effectively. Also, we must hold data on NHS care and treatment as it is a Public Task required by law – only applies to a very limited number of orthodontic patients.
  2. We hold staff employment data because it is a Legal Obligation for us to do so.
  3. We hold contractors’ data because it is needed to Fulfil a Contract with us.

Your Rights

You have the right to:

  1. Be informed about the personal data we hold and why we hold it.
  2. Access a copy of your data that we hold by contacting us directly: we will acknowledge your request and supply a response within one month or sooner.
  3. Check the information we hold about you is correct and to make corrections if not
  4. Have your data erased in certain circumstances.
  5. Transfer your data to someone else if you tell us to do so and it is safe and legal to do so.
  6. Tell us not to actively process or update your data in certain circumstances.

How long the personal data stored?

  1. We will store patient data for as long as we are providing care, treatment or recalling patients for further care. We will archive (that is, store it without further action) for as long as is required
  2. for legal purposes as recommended by the NHS or other trusted experts recommend.
  3. We must store employment data for six years after an employee has left.
  4. We must store contractors’ data for seven years after the contract is ended.

We can only share data if it is done securely and necessary to do so

  1. Patient data may be shared with our healthcare professionals who need to be involved in your care ( for example if we refer you to a specialist or need laboratory work undertaken). Patient data may also be stored for back up purposes with our computer software suppliers who may also store it securely in the UK and Europe. If patients fail to pay for their treatment received this would be a breach of terms and conditions and their data may be sent to a third party debt collection service.
  2. Employment data will be shared with government agencies such as HMRC, Croner ( Legal and Personnel advisors) and HPH(our accountancy firm) for the purpose of PAYE.

What if you are not happy or wish to raise a concern about our data processing?

You can complain in the first instance to PURE Dental York, our Data protection Officer, who is Zareen Ashraff by calling 01904 489183 or by emailing and we will do our best to resolve the matter. If this fails, you can complain to the Information Commissioner at or by calling 0303 123 1113.

Last Updated: 3rd March 2022


Dunnington Dental Practice

Contact Details

31 York Street, Dunnington, York, YO19 5QT

Opening Hours


9am - 1pm & 2pm - 6pm


9am - 1pm & 2pm - 5:30pm


9am - 1pm & 2pm - 5:30pm


9am - 1pm & 2pm - 6pm


9am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm


9am - 12:30pm



Dunnington Dental Surgery in York


Strensall Dental Practice

Contact Details

Martin House, 24 Barley Rise, Strensall, York, YO32 5AA

Opening Hours


9am - 1pm & 2pm - 6pm


9am - 1pm & 2pm - 5:30pm


9am - 1pm & By Appointment Only


9am - 1pm & 2pm - 6pm


9am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm


By Appointment Only



Strensall Dental Surgery in York


Covid-19 Guidance

Updated - May 2022

Although general COVID-19 restrictions have now been lifted, there are different considerations in place for healthcare settings.

The dental practice is a unique environment in which the majority of treatments we carry out generate an aerosol, which is how COVID-19 and other respiratory infections can spread.

How can we limit the spread of infection in the Dental Practice?

  1. Keep the air moving rapidly. We have put air exchange systems in all our treatment rooms in order to ensure the aerosol can be cleared more quickly.
  2. Maintain our Personal Protective Equipment and Infection control procedures. We are continuing to follow the latest guidelines from the government on PPE and infection prevention and control.
  3. Continuing to wear masks in both patient and staff areas.

Advice for Patients

Practices are using personal protective equipment including masks to keep staff and patients safe.

  • When you attend your appointment, you will be asked some screening questions.
  • You will probably be asked to use hand sanitiser or to wash your hands when you arrive (and again before you leave)
  • You will also be asked to wear a mask in the waiting rooms if you can

There may be a delay in you receiving treatment.

The reason for the long waits is not all because of the backlog, but also because there’s a lot more disinfection of surgeries required after each treatment.

Calling the Practice

You no longer need to call us when you arrive. As you come in, please wear your own mask, and disinfect your hands with the gel provided. (If you have forgotten to bring one, a mask is available on entry).

Please make sure you keep your appointment if you have one. If you can’t make an appointment, your practice may be able to offer it to someone else who really needs it.

Please be assured that dental teams are working within the current guidelines issued by governments and are doing their best to help patients wherever possible.

Receptionists are also doing their best to ensure that priority cases are treated as soon as possible. Please treat all the staff with respect. We know it can be stressful, but they are doing their best to help.

How you can help:

  • Please do not arrive without an appointment.
  • With the exception of children and persons in need, patients should come alone.
  • Patients should attend wearing a mask if possible or be prepared to wear one.
  • Please do not arrive too early to the practice. If necessary, you may wait inside the practice.

As you would expect, your dental teams will be doing all they can to ensure you receive the treatment you require in the safest way.